Living Abroad: The #1 Reason Why You Should Move Now

Cartess Ross // July 15 // 0 Comments

Moving abroad and thriving in a foreign or exotic country is so much more appealing than trying to survive from paycheck-to-paycheck in the United States.

Living week to week ain’t no fun … Not having enough at the end of the month is depressing. You just can’t ever seem to dig out …

But if you’re willing to step outside your comfort zone for just a few moments, it can change your life.

You just don’t have to struggle no more …

There are so many places around the world where your dollar can go so much further. Immigrants from all over the world move to places where they can earn more. And they usually send that money back home to family where the power of that dollar can stretch so much more.

The benefit we have as US citizens is that we live in a place where we can take our dollar and do the opposite of immigrants … We can go to these countries and live their full-time (or part-time if you choose) and reap the benefits of that strong US dollar.

I had a maid come clean my house today … She arrived at 8 a.m. and stayed til 2 p.m. cleaning my 3-bedroom, 3 1/2 bathroom house … Her fee was $22.50

She did an excellent job and she comes every Wednesday … As I get more stuff in this house and fully furnish it, she’ll be coming by more often!

My point is that you can enjoy luxuries you never enjoyed back home … In places like these, many options become available to you…

In the U.S. I was paying almost $200 for my daughter to go to ballet school. Here in Merida, Mexico, I’m only paying about $50 for her to go, and she goes 6-days a week!

Whatever classes you want to learn, or if you want to take up surfing or paragliding, or learn how to box, or whatever, you can learn it much cheaper in foreign countries where your dollar stretches further.

Is moving and living abroad something you’d consider for yourself or your family? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Leave your comments in the comments section below and let’s talk it out!

About the Author Cartess Ross

Hi... I'm Cartess Ross, the publisher for Move Abroad and Thrive. If you're considering a new life abroad and wish to chat, feel free to book a consultation with me by CLICKING HERE.

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