*Unbelievable: 29-Year Old Mom of 4 Moves to Mexico – Sight Unseen!

Cartess Ross // March 18 // 2 Comments

I found this nice 2-bedroom apartment (video below) for a 29-year old mom of 4 who recently moved to Merida, sight-unseen ($280/mo rent)! She was looking for a fresh new start with her kids ages 3-9. She wanted her expenses extremely low in order to reset and restart her life. 

She found a remote job prior to moving to Merida and arrived here with some clear and definitive goals (she arrived about 10-days ago and we got her moved into her new place 2 days after arriving).

She and her kids had never been on an airplane before; and had never left the U.S. This journey was totally brand new for them all, and she still did it… 

Family thought she was crazy, but she did it anyways. She was scared to death, but she did it anyways. Prior to arriving here, every obstacle was thrown her way (issues with getting emergency passports, and issues with getting her temp residency, and more)… She had legit reasons to cancel out on this trip, but she didn’t. 

Earlier this week she took her kids to the beach and had a blast. She’s looking forward to starting her new remote job next week (i forgot to mention she quit her job in the U.S., and found a remote job so she could leave and move to Merida… Her start date didn’t start until after she arrived into Merida and got settled in).

She’s excited at the idea of being able to afford someone to come watch her kids so she could have free time to herself; something she didn’t have in the U.S., but it’s affordable and achievable here.

She said Cartess … I can’t wait to just go sit down and get my nails down all by myself!

It’s possible for you to do this ya’ll … If you put a plan in place and follow the plan.

She forced me to stay within her budget and she stuck to her guns … I showed her larger places with more rooms; but it was more important for her to stay within budget; and she did.

When you have a plan, you know what your limitations are… You know your ‘guidelines’ … You know what must be done …

I encourage you to plan and stay on-track. I’ll be interviewing this lady soon enough. She doesn’t know it yet, but she motivates me, and i hope she’ll motivate you to believe in yourself and your dreams.

None of this happened out of sheer luck. She made a decision and came up with a plan.

She booked a telephone consult with me a few months ago to get some advice and she ran with it. She wanted to confirm if all of this stuff about affordable rent and affordable help was real… I sent her listings of apartments that she could get within her budget and she was convinced.

Ya’ll stay-tuned! I’ll be talking with her on video soon!

Here’s a small clip of her place … This is her ‘starter place’. Once she’s working and got stable income coming in, she’ll be getting the place she wants … But for now, it’s a little tight and she’s totally fine with that because her plan will have her sitting pretty in about 6-months!

If you need to discuss your plans or ideas with someone other than doubting and unsupportive family members, consider booking a consultation. I’m happy to talk and discuss your concerns over the phone.

Book a telephone consult by clicking the link below:

Need a Remote Job So You Can Earn Income Abroad?

3 people emailed me last week to tell me they landed remote work jobs from the cheap and simple course tutorial I wrote up. If you’re looking for remote work to live abroad, check out the link below … You can find a job in as little as 7-days and get paid well, so peep it out:

 Other tutorials and courses you may find helpful:

About the Author Cartess Ross

Hi... I'm Cartess Ross, the publisher for Move Abroad and Thrive. If you're considering a new life abroad and wish to chat, feel free to book a consultation with me by CLICKING HERE.

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